Herbal Injection Therapy

Herbal Medicines have been studied extensively and are used to safely treat a wide variety of health issues. Taking the effectiveness and safety of herbs a step further, injectable solutions offer many advantages to the traditional route of herbal medicines. Typically herbs are administered through pill, powder, or tea form, offering a slower and more widespread effect in the body. Injectables rather, can provide a faster and more direct route for the medicine to be absorbed.

Faster And More Precise


Depending on your unique condition, herbal injectables may be suggested. Pain conditions respond especially well to injection therapy as they can be precisely target local areas of tenderness and inflammation, offering immediate relief. Additionally, safety and quality of herbs is a concern and for this reason we make sure all of the herbs used at our facility are manufactured and tested for quality and safety.

We offer injections to:

  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Detoxify and cleanse
  • strengthen the immune system or decrease duration of illness
  • Slow release b-12 shots for energy maintenance